Let's try this again: I'm moving to Guatemala

Thanks to COVID my flight was cancelled to Guatemala in September. I spent a month hanging out and actually found a place of peace, until one day last week something started stirring and I had to have a new date. So, I bought a ticket leaving on January 12, 2021. 

I’m fairly certain this is the date because I’m scared like I haven’t been before. I had to reconcile some things in the last week as I swallowed that I was moving to Guatemala and my life was changing forever. I mentioned to a girlfriend yesterday in conversation that I have no five year plan anymore. There is no more plan. I’m just stepping out and seeing where I land...it’s terrifying. As much as I want the adventure, I want the comfort of a plan. I want the glory of the victory without the effort of the fight. I guess that’s all of us though. 

The other morning I was laying in bed, internally lamenting about not wanting to have to go through the scary hard parts of moving, at the same time feeling guilty for being such a whiny baby about not wanting to do the scary parts. That part in me that identifies with the nudging of God speaking truth to me reminded me that the prophets of the old testament often whined and complained about their assignments as well. I felt a comfort in that, but also this moment where I was reminded about Jonah and how he was mad when God saved the people of Nineveh after Jonah’s warning. It’s why he went and he was mad at God when they repented and God had mercy on them. I’m not saying my heart is where Jonah’s was, but I’m sure there are Jonah-esque themes in my own heart regarding going. I haven’t figured it all out, but I’m learning and seeking. 

Angela sent me a text the other day about what to look forward to in Guatemala. She reminded me there were so many beautiful things awaiting me in this adventure, about sweet grandmas who communicate stories through smiles, about children who are already excited to get to play with me, about the people who will stuff me full of wonderful food, and the exploration of an antique city with hidden gems waiting for me to discover them. I’m eager to learn from them. 

I’m grateful for Covid in this one thing (there could be more but I’m not ready to go there yet!) that it forced me to slow my life down considerably making the transition to a culture that moves at a completely different rhythm than my own less like hitting a wall that could have felt like a full stop. 

So, in a week, I have been able to work through those feelings, eliminate some distractions I was letting pass the time, and get my focus back on the goal. It’s time to get back to action. I have a date, I need more people to come along with me on the journey. 

If you’re following along, I’m grateful. If you are able to help me chip away at the finances needed for this trip please do. I need to raise $43,200 in support for the year. All partnerships are tax deductible and everything helps. 

Thanks for coming with me!